Wednesday, May 23, 2007

TFC v. Benfica 0-0 Draw

For a 0-0 draw, it was a pretty exciting match, with great chances for both sides. The talent level of even a "B" squad from Benfica really showed who on our roster can keep up with the big boys in Europe and I would have to say Marvell Wynn impressed me the most in this respect. He was, in my opinion, spectacular in how he handled himself on both sides of the pitch. I was hoping for more from O'brien and Lombardo, and was again very disappointed with the performance from Edson Buddle.

In all, based on this performance, our boys in red seem to be working out some of the defensive kinks that plagued them earlier in the season. The addition of Jeff Cunningham should be able to give the offense the ball-handling spark it needs, and I am very optimistic for the next match against Columbus!


Anonymous said...

So you tied the B-squad of a team who couldn't make it out of the group phase in champions league and finished 3rd in a 3 team league...Nice...

bgnewf said...

I hav taken some pictures of the Benfica match, along with the rest of the TFC homes games so far since April.